The French Ministry of Higher Education and Research’s ‘Investing in the Future’ program has launched a cluster of calls aimed at providing shared campuses with the highest level of infrastructure, laboratories and equipment. CentraleSupélec laboratories, along with their partners, have successfully responded to these calls for tender in Paris, Rennes and Metz and are currently participating in the following:

6 LabEx (laboratories of excellence):


CentraleSupélec LabEx


CHARMMMAT (Chemistry of Multifunctional Molecular Architectures and Materials)

Fields: materials science and bio-inspired homogeneous catalysis. Chemistry, Physics and Informatics serving society's energy, health, environmental and information needs.

CentraleSupélec Laboratories: LRI UMR8623 ; SPMS UMR 8580



Comin-Labs (Digital Communications and Informatics for the Future)

Fields: Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies (ICST).

CentraleSupélec Laboratories: IETR CNRS 6164, IRISA UMR CNRS 6074



DigiCosme (Digital worlds: Programmed data and distributed architectures)

 Field: Numerical Sciences, developing three themes; reliability and security, network management and mass data science, that are at the heart of the design of tomorrow's information and communication systems.

CentraleSupélec Laboratories: MICS (EA 4037) ; L2S ((UMR 8506) ; LRI (UMR 8623)



LaSIPS (Saclay Plateau Systems Laboratory and Engineering)

LaSIPS (The Saclay Plateau Engineering Systems Laboratory)

Fields: engineering and systems sciences. SIPS has a multidisciplinary agenda orientated towards sustainable development, energy and health.



Nano-Saclay (Université Paris-Saclay Multidisciplinary Nano-lab)

Nano-Saclay (Interdisciplinary Nano-lab of Université Paris Saclay)

International visibility network for research, training, innovation and technology transfer in nanosciences and nanotechnologies.



PALM (Physics: Atomic, Light, Matter)

Fields: basic and applied physics (condensed matter, physics of biological systems and complex systems, atomic and molecular physics, optics, lasers and extreme light, statistical physics, physical chemistry.


2 EquipEx (Equipment of Excellence)



Digiscope (Development of interactive visualization techniques for very complex data)

This project, in the computer science category, is carried out by RTRA Digiteo within the Université Paris-Saclay framework. 9 scientific partners host the network platforms. Project responding to the needs generated by the increase of the masses of data and the development of the techniques of visualization, interaction and remote collaboration.



MatMéca (Development of materials by powder metallurgy, ultra-fast network-integrated calculation and micromechanical characterization in situ).

The MatMéca Equipment of Excellence (ANR-10-EQPX-37) is a response to the development and characterization of materials for energy, transport, space, nanotechnology and biomaterials.


3 IRT (Technology Research Institutes



B-Com (Digital networks and infrastructures)

Objective: to innovate in the field of agile networks and hypermedia content.



M2P (Materials, metallurgy, processes)

Objective: to respond very responsive to the innovation needs of industrialists in the fields of materials, metallurgy and processes.



SystemX (Digital sciences and ICST)

In supporting innovation in France in the field of digital systems engineering of the future, SystemX responds to today's technological challenges by means of a flexible, open and collective innovation.


1 ITE (Institute for Energy Transition) 



PS2E (Paris-Saclay Efficacité Energétique [Energy Efficiency] Institute of Research and Training)

Objective: to improve the efficiency and the energy flexibility of industrial installations, coupled with urban areas